Physics 3–1–0
- Thermal physics: Concepts of distribution of molecular velocities, Distribution laws and statistics MB, FD and BE, mean free path; Transport phenomena-viscosity, diffusion; thermal conductivity, measurement of thermal conductivity; periodic and a periodic flow of heat; Wiedemann-Franz law. Heat radiation, black body and black body radiation, Planck’s distribution law and its application to classical distribution (Rayleigh-Jeans and Wiens) and total radiation (Stefan-Boltzmann) laws.
- Modern Physics: Brief idea of molecular spectra, Rigid rotator, spectra of simple molecules, rotation and rotationvibration spectra, Brief idea of wave pocket and wave function, Shrodinger equation, Particle in a Box, Free electron theory; qualitative idea of band theory of solids and Hall effect, Laser and laser systems (He-Ne and Ruby Lasers).
- Electromagnetics : Maxwell’s field equation, Equation of electromagnetic field, Propagation of electromagnetic waves in different isotropic media, energy of electromagnetic waves, Poynting’s theorem & Poynting’s vector, Rocks and minerals as dielectrics, electrical conductivity and electrical phenomena in rocks, Piezo-, ferro-, tribo-, and pyro-electricity.
Modern Physics
Introduction to Electrodynamics by David J. Griffiths
Electromagnetism Tutorial
Reviewed by Arti Gupta
2:03 AM

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