English for Science and Technology

English for Science and Technology 3–1–0
Language Resource Development: Using appropriate grammatical lexical forms to express meaning-accuracy, range and appropriacy grammatical lexical exercises. Reading, Interpreting and Using Written, and Graphic Information : Using (reading and writing) academic texts, articles in technical journals, instruction manuals/laboratory instruction sheets, safety manuals and regulations, and reports; Using maps, graphs, plan diagrams, flow-charts, sketches, tabulated and statistical data.
Writing Appropriately in a Range of Rhetorical Styles i.e. Formal and Informal: Writing instructions, describing objects and processes; defining, narrating, classifying exemplifying, comparing, contrasting, hypothesizing, predicting, concluding, generalizing restating, and reporting; Note making (from books/journals); Writing assignments; summarizing, expanding, paraphrasing; Answering examination questions; Correspondence skills; Interpreting, expressing and negotiating meaning; Creating coherent written tests according to the conventions. Receiving and Interpreting the Spoken Word : Listening to lectures and speeches, listening to discussions and explanations in tutorials; Note taking (from lectures); Interacting orally in academic, professional and social situation; Understanding interlocutor, creating coherent discourse, and taking appropriate turns in conversation; Negotiating meanings with others (in class room, workshop, laboratory, seminar, conference, discussion, interview etc.)
English for Science and Technology English for Science and Technology Reviewed by Arti Gupta on 1:28 AM Rating: 5

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