Engineering Graphics

Engineering Graphics 1–3–0
  1. Drawing instruments and their uses, Indian standards for drawing, Lettering, Types of lines used in engineering graphics: full lines hidden lines, dimension lines, centerlines, section lines construction lines etc.
  2. Scales: representative fractions, reducing and enlarging scales, plain scales, diagonal scales and vernier scales. Curves used in engineering practice: conic sections, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola, cycloid, epicycloids, hypocycloid, involutes and spiral.
  3. Orthographic projections: First angle and third angle projections, conventions used, orthographic projections of simple solids; Conversion of three-dimensional views to orthographic views.
  4. Isometric projections: of simple solids, isometric views, conversion of orthographic views to isometric views; free hand sketching.
 Engineering Drawing

Engineering Graphics Engineering Graphics Reviewed by Arti Gupta on 1:53 AM Rating: 5

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