Engineering Mechanics

Engineering Mechanics 3–1–0
  1. Fundamentals of Mechanics: Equivalent force system, Equation of equilibrium, Introduction to Structural Mechanics: Force analysis of Frames, Trusses, Shear force, Bending moment analysis of Beams.
  2. Friction force analysis: Laws, Sliding and Rolling friction, Screw Jack, Wedge, Belt friction, Collar friction
  3. Properties of surfaces: First moment of area and the centroid, Second moment and product of area, Transfer theorem, Polar moment of inertia.
  4. Kinematics of particles: Velocity and acceleration calculations, Relative motion.
  5. Particle dynamics: Rectilinear translation, Rectangular and cylindrical coordinates.
  6. Linear momentum and moment of momentum: Impulse and momentum relations for a particle, Moment of momentum equation for a single particle and for a system of particles.
  7. Introduction to kinematics and kinetics of rigid bodies. Mechanical vibration of single degree of freedom system.
Lecture Plan and Tutorials

Vector Mechanics for Engineers

Vector Mechanics for Engineering Solutions

Truss and Frame (odd Pages)

Truss and Frame (even Pages)

Mechanics Class Notes

Engineering Mechanics Engineering Mechanics Reviewed by Arti Gupta on 2:20 AM Rating: 5

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