Daily routine of a navodayan and Its importance

                          "The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine."
                                                                                                  - Mike Murdock

   All of us are aware that kids need a routine to provide structure and discipline in their lives. When we were younger, Navodaya time table force us to go to bed at a certain time, wake up at a certain time, do our homework after school, eat dinner at a regular hour, shower, even play with our friends at a specific time.Because of this Navodayans become familiar of their school routine and follow that in their whole life. But what about others? Many grown ups do not have a set daily routine and ‘wing’ their day. They have no idea what they are going to do when they wake up each morning because they have not thought about creating a schedule to adhere to. As a result, many people feel like they are stressed, anxious, overwhelmed and falling short of their goals and true potential. The answer lies in carefully designing a routine that works best for each of us, one which helps us be productive, in control, and be the best person we can possibly be.
   I used to view having a routine as being boring, rigid, and stifling, and I know that many people share this view. They live their lives in a capricious and whimsical manner, believing that it frees them somehow. On the contrary, I have learned that designing and adhering to a personal daily routine is the path to freedom, productivity, happiness, and fulfilling our true potential. Here is why all of us would be better off with a set routine.

  1. Arousal / Attendance by Matron 04:30 A.M.
  2.  Morning PT/ Roll Call by P.E.T 05:00 A.M. to 06:00 A.M.
  3. Cleanliness of dorms/Wash & Change 06:05 A.M. to 06:50 A.M.
  4. Break-Fast 06:55 A.M to 07:45 A.M
  5. Class-Attendance   07:50 A.M to 07:55
  6. Morning Assembly 08:00 AM to 08:20AM
  7. I Period 8:25 AM to 09:05 AM
  8. II Period 09:05 AM to 09:45 AM
  9. III Period 09:45 AM to 10:25 AM
  10. IV Period 10:25 AM to 11:05 AM
  11. Break 11:05 AM to 11:20 AM
  12. V Period 11: 20 AM to 12.00 NOON
  13. VI Period 12.00 NOON to 12:35 PM
  14. VII Period 12:35 PM to 01:10 PM
  15. VIII Period 01:10 PM to 01:45 PM
  16. Lunch 01:55 PM to 03:00 PM
  17. Rest 03:00 PM to 03:30 PM
  18. Supervised Study/ Remedial study 03:45 PM to 05:15 PM
  19. Evening Games& Roll Call/ 05:30 PM to 06:30 PM
  20. Evening Snacks,Wash & Change 06:30 PM to 06:45 PM
  21. Remedial/Enrichment Programme 06:45 PM. to 08:00 PM
  22. Dinner 08:00 PM to 09:00 PM
  23. Visit/Counselling by A.H.M 09:00 PM to 09:30 PM
  24. Self-Study in Hostel 09:00 PM to 10:15 PM
  25. Night Attendance by HM & lights off 10:15 PM

Daily routine of a navodayan and Its importance Daily routine of a navodayan and Its importance Reviewed by Arti Gupta on 4:25 AM Rating: 5

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