Chemistry practical

Chemistry 0–0–3
List of Experiments
1. Standards of HCl by Standard Sodium Carbonate solution.
2. Determination of Temporary Hardness of Tap Water.
3. Estimation of Total Hardness of water.
4. Determination of Iron in Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate solution (Redox titration).
5. Determination of Copper in crystallized Copper Sulphate.
6. Estimation of available Chlorine in Bleaching Powder.
7. Determination of Molecular Weight of Organic Acid by Titration method.
8. Estimation of Sodium Carbonate and bicarbonate in a mixture.
9. To determine the saponification number of an oil.
10. To determine the rate of hydrolysis of methyl/ ethyl acetate.
Chemistry practical Chemistry practical Reviewed by Arti Gupta on 1:38 AM Rating: 5

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