Life of Navodaya
A twelve year old innocent, nervous, worried, depressed, sad of being away from home took admission in Navodaya in sixth standard.
In every Navodaya there are four houses which are Aravali,Nilgiri,Shivalik,Udaigiri and its play a great role in life of navodaya.
They allotted a house to that kid. Alloting a house looks like normal thing but No, It has its own deep mean. It helps a kid to develop a skill to do own best. Navodayan know its value if you are not a navodayan then you can understand it in a simple way if you are participating in a competition then you will try to do your best similarly it happens in navodaya. Navodaya conducts competition on every Saturday of week house wise. They have a separate calendar for competition also and distribute prize . House masters motivate students and ensures that every student come forward and participate .These competitions help to develop the intellect of the children. Navodaya ensures that it taught all life values like love, care , kindness,empathy, sympathy, self motivation,self confidence and many more to its children to face the real world.
“Navodaya is like a mother bird who gave birth to a couple of independent baby birds every year, so that they can fly above the sky.”
In navodaya day of a child starts from 4:30am and ends to 10:30pm and they have to follow their time table. It make navodayans more disciplined. You can see daily routine od a Navodayan here
Life of Navodaya
Reviewed by Arti Gupta
12:40 AM

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